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About Me

My name is Erica and I am a 32 year old mom, teacher, and BRCA previvor.  I live in the Boston area with my incredible husband, beautiful daughter, and sweetest pup in the world!  I found out I was BRCA1 positive 8 years ago (2013) and throughout my 20's I felt very alone. In January 2020, the days leading up to my prophylactic double mastectomy I suddenly felt myself bursting at the seams to share my story.  My saving grace throughout coping has been twofold: connecting with others who are a few steps ahead of me in this journey, confiding in/listening to my cousin who has been battling breast cancer, and having others reach out to me for guidance and support through their BRCA journey.  I have spent countless hours searching the internet for support groups, yearning for connection. Longing for someone who understands this myriad of emotions. Feeling deeply connected to complete strangers, some across the country or even world, as we all grapple with information and try to navigate.  Together these women have helped me realize, I am not alone.

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